
Data Science/ Analytics - Job Data Visualization Dashboard

Group 15, Project 3

Group Members:
Heather Adams,
Meena Rai,
Tesa Childs-Skelton,
Timea Jakab.


Given the present climate and its impact oo the current job market like layoffs, revaluations and worries about the economy, it’s a safe bet to focus on analyzing the most high demand job skills. Some jobs appear to be bearing the brunt of layoffs on the other hand there are many career paths that are considered to be safer bets. According to the U.S. Labor Department around 40 million technical jobs go unfulfilled due to a lack of skilled talent.

Our project focused on creating a Flask Application to analyze DATA Science/ Analytics Jobs data to see which specific roles are in high-demand, average salary distribution per role, job attributes (onsite, remote, hybrid), location and current postings. Hopefully this will help our fellow classmates make an educated decision on picking roles have a high growth opportunity and might be a safer picks during a potential recession.


For this project two data sets from Kaggle were used:

Flask Application Structure (Wire Frame)

Wire Frame

Extracted and Wrangled Data

Loaded Wrangeled data in sqlite Database

Loaded the cleaned dataframes into sqlite databse:

Job Statistics Database

US Job Posting Database

Created Backend for the app

Created Frontend for the app


A dashboard with five visualizations was created:

Dashboard Landing Page

Landing page has the following components:

Salary Data Visualization

Salary Data Visualization has the following components:

Attribute Data Visualization

Attribute Data Visualization has the following components:

Country Data Visualization

Country data Visualization has the following components:

Job Posting Data Visualization
